Ever since I did my first podcast titled, The First Thing To Do When You Want to Change Careers, I've been getting messages via social media and directly from people commenting they feel have clarity on what they want to do, but can't seem to fulfill it. They can't seem to get it to work! I read, “I feel like I know how, but I'm not quite sure what I'm not doing."
I thought as I was remarking back to these listeners and readers there are four (must do’s) that absolutely have to be done in order to truly fulfill your purpose.
There are four must do’s to fulfill your purpose:
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Have you ever wondered if I would have only known then what I know now? It makes no difference who you are, this has happened to you. It’s happened to me. No one escapes this feeling at some point. Join career expert, motivator, and award-winning author Andrew LaCivita as he discusses how to ask brilliant questions to make smart decisions!
Any time you’ve made a poor decision, at least one of two things was wrong. You either had a faulty decision-making process or you didn’t have accurate or complete information.
Anytime you’re asking questions (in a job interview or questioning someone as it relates to business), you can prepare yourself by first asking three questions:
What do I want to know and why do I want to know it?
Your whys are such great places to start because that’s what you care about! Why would start in any other place?
How will I ask it?
Adding your rationale at the end is the key to getting the insight you want as quickly as you can possibly get it. The sooner you get the information you need, the more time you create to ask additional questions.
How and when will I use the information?
Any question you ask that yields information you can immediately use to sell yourself or make a decision is short-term.
Any question you ask that yields information you’ll ponder is long-term.
It comes down to:
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Here they are:
1. Share yourself. Sharing your own story connects you to the rest of the world. Sharing what you learned and how you were transformed benefits others even if they might do it differently.
2. Be yourself. This is what keeps you connected to you. There is no greater struggle than when what you think, say, and do are not in complete harmony. Think about those times you felt out of sync or not yourself. What was missing? Likely, it was that congruence.
3. Give yourself. This is what connects you to higher powers. It also, oddly, provides the greatest return. This starts with contributing your efforts fully to what you’re going to do and give to the rest of this world. This is giving everything you have to your calling.
Giving yourself—which yields the highest results—requires four components/characteristic:
- Strategy: You have a strategy for where you’re going in life. You seek an understanding of why the world works the way it does in this area. You question everything. You take nothing at face value.
- Mindset: You maintain a particular mindset. You understand limitations are something of the mind, not the universe.
- Practice: Once you have your strategy and no-limits mindset in place, you practice to perfection. By practice, I don’t mean brute force. Brute force or mindlessly working hard will never overcome intellectual laziness. You practice with an extreme sense of deliberation. You practice your craft well past the point of being able to do it perfectly. You practice it to the point you couldn’t possibly make a mistake because you are so dialed in.
- Discomfort: You seem to live in a continual state of discomfort. Of course, I’m not talking about living in pain, but continually pushing yourself so that every day you’re a bit uncomfortable because you’re constantly trying new activities and undertaking new projects that progress you. You embrace this discomfort because you know it will make you a great pioneer.
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There is one really common reason you want to change. You’re not doing what you love or what makes you happy (anymore).
You have two major obstacles to making this type of change successfully:
Your prescription for part one:
Make sure you:
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