When interviewing with a senior executive, you need to be ready for different types of encounters.
Whether the interviewer asks you, “What questions do you have for me?” or “Why should be hire you?” or “How will you make us a better company?” or “Tell me how you did that project?” the good ol’ storytelling tactics you typically use to explain your projects, what you do, and how you do it won’t be enough.
You need to take a different approach, which, good news, I’m serving up today…
If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:
1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.
2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.
3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.
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What’s up with “TESTS” in job interviews? As if job interviews aren’t rough enough, why, for the love of all that is holy, would employers push us job seekers over the edge with tests?
These “tests” come in all shapes and sizes.
Most of them are ridiculous, but, since I don’t universally run hiring for the world, we’ll need to deal with them.
(Feel free to start a petition if you want to see if you and I can completely reform hiring for all mankind.)
I know you want to know what you should do before you take one of these little buggers.
Spoiler alert: Nothing.
Don’t do anything.
As in anything.
As in no thinking. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
Zero brain power dedicated to this.
That’s if the employer wants you to take a personality or aptitude or “fit” test or something of that nature.
If it’s a case study, by all means, knock your socks off.
That’s because those are cool and good predictors for future success.
I pulled today’s clip from one of the 1,478 times I was asked about “tests” during various Live Office Hours sessions.
You get my cheery thoughts on them and a little story about one of my recruitment clients who used them and the expensive dinner she bought me after she lost our bet…
If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:
1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.
2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.
3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.
4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.
5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!
Skills. You have ‘em. I know you do.
Can you demonstrate them? Do you know which ones to shine the light on?
It’s important. Always. Just more important now.
Inflation is hovering around 6%.
Unemployment is roughly 3.6%.
Our US Fed is trying to manage inflation by raising interest rates.
We’re trying the disinflation thing which means a slowdown in the rate of inflation even though inflation is still positive.
The last 10 times this happened, for every 2% reduction in inflation, unemployment went up 3.6%. (That’s historical fact.)
It’s linear-ish, so each 2% drop in inflation means 3.6% increase in unemployment.
So, let’s carry a few numbers.
That means if we want to get back down to ~ 2% inflation, we might be adding 7.2% to the unemployment rate = 10.8%.
I bet when you opened this email you didn’t think you’d be getting an econ lesson!
Don’t worry.
You have me. You read my messages. You prolly watch my videos and join my live shows.
You’re covered.
I’ll continue to keep you updated on the skills, tips, tricks, and techniques to keep you razor sharp, employed, and getting paid well!
Check out this week’s all-out lesson on which skills employers love and why…
If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:
1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.
2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.
3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.
4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.
5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!
Does your resume say, “Hi, my name’s [whatever your name is]. I’m a [whatever you are]?”
Or, does your resume say, “Hi Ms. Recruiter. This is how your company is about to change—for the better? You’ve been waiting for me. I’m here now.”
You might be wondering, Coach, how am I supposed to say the latter if I don’t know what the company wants?
To which I’d say, “You do know. You’re just prolly not spending any time thinking about it. And, likely not spending any time writing that in your resume.”
It’s easy breezy when you know what to think, how to think, what to ask yourself, and where the answers to the questions you just asked yourself go on the resume.
You guessed it because I’m a pleaser not a teaser.
It's all in today's podcast on how to add more power to your resume!
If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:
1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.
2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.
3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.
4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.
5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!