
Tips for Work and Life with Andrew LaCivita

Career coach and award-winning author Andrew LaCivita shares insights on leading a rewarding career and fulfilled life.
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Now displaying: October, 2022
Oct 28, 2022

Many want it. The good life.

The few. They want the great life.

The rest. What’s left. You guessed it. They pursue heights so high that most people dismiss them as unattainable.

Whichever group you’re in, I know you’ll eventually pursue some personal Mount Everest.

You know the one I’m talking about. The one that, somewhere along the climb, makes you question your choices.

Whether it’s a project that takes a week that seems like “the longest week ever” or 20 years to pursue your life’s dream, you’re gonna encounter the “B” word.

If you haven’t encountered the B word, you’re probably settling.



Burnout happens.

Ask anyone who’s pursued a worthy dream.

It’s not if. It’s when.

No shortcut ever gave you what you deserved nor ever will.

The long and worthy road is filled with a few…”Hang on. I gotta catch my breaths.”

I want to help you make sure you get what you deserve, so I’m giving you a bit of my formula on how I manage to “enjoy the doing” during the lengthy pursuits of my biggest goals.

Join me and Celia for How to Avoid Burnout when Working Toward Your Goals!

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Oct 25, 2022

Ever feel like you’re working hard on your job search, but you’re not getting the output you’d expect?

Or, maybe you’re just not sure how to allocate your time each day to search?

You might have all day to work your job search or only an hour in the evening.

Either way, I’d like to help you get more out of your time and effort.

A few weeks ago, one of my #BOOTCAMPERS Cisco asked…

“Time management and routine when job searching is key as we all know it. Networking, boss hunting, etc. will need to take a significant chunk of our time. [….] How do you recommend we balance our time and energy because I often feel guilty for not spending all my time on “feeding the funnel” versus [other activities] which have actual [long-term] measurable value and deliverables?”

Do you feel this way or wonder this?

Good news.

This week’s podcast is my conversation with Cisco on how I apply this in my life and how I suggest approaching it in your job search.

Enjoy How to Improve Your Job Search Productivity and let’s start getting you more job interviews and offers!

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and TikTok.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Oct 21, 2022

I have this expression whenever I undertake something new.

Mind you, this is something I say to myself AND I only say it after I’m certain of two things.

First, I’m getting great instruction from someone who actually knows what they’re doing. (You don’t always find the right coach on your first attempt. Unless you found me on your first attempt. Then, lucky you. Ha ha!)

Second, I’ve made a commitment to the effort.

Once those prerequisites are in order, I tell myself…

“Shut up and put in the reps.”

That’s my north-side-of-Chicago-neighborhood-y way of saying, “Don’t question stuff yet. Get in there. Do the work. Build the discipline. Gather the data. Then adjust only after you’ve experienced and know more.”

Until I reach that point, I haven’t earned the right to question anything.

When it comes to job searching, I gave you the put-in-the-reps formula to help you find your dream job the fastest.

I did that all the way back in November 2018 and again in the summer of 2019 and then again in the fall of 2019.

It’s my Job Search Challenge®, which I designed so you would know which activities within the job search actually lead to the results you want.

As a quick recap, I distilled it down into manageable activities:

  1. Target 3 companies (potential employers) each day.
  2. Identify one individual in those 3 companies each day (e.g., boss, senior person, HR, recruiter, teammate).
  3. Send a thoughtful message in the direction of, if not directly to, those individuals each day.

Easy breezy.

A put-in-the-reps kinda formula that is simple enough to understand with a narrow-enough focus to keep you concentrated on the right activities. Plus, you can easily gather insight and data to assess what is working or make the proper adjustments.

It works.

Let’s say you believe me…

It’s 2022. You might think we live in a totally different world now.

But, 99.9% of what I teach you will never go out of style.

Even so, I’m always looking to amp up my game and I want you to amp up yours.

So, I’ve created a next-level-job-search-challenge that goes beyond the shut-up-and-put-in-the-reps techniques.

It’s my hope this advanced approach will go beyond helping you achieve the results you want.

I want you to not only experience the job search, but also gain all the benefits this experience can offer you.

Don’t just job search. That might lead to just a job.

Truly experience what you’re doing so that experience and the benefits you receive because of it continue to pay you back for the rest of your life.

Make sure before you take in this episode today you listen to the Job Search Challenge® Put-In-The-Reps Version (Part 1).

And, of course, enjoy the souped-up Job Search Challenge® | Advanced Level Tactics Version (Part 2).

Go get ‘em.

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Oct 18, 2022

Job searching is hard, like, really hard. It’s even hard in the best of times, which we have now seasonally entered.

November through February.

That’s right. Start licking your chops. It’s officially open season on all things finding-your-dream-job related.

Where I live the weather stinks this time of year, but finding that sweet job in never easier than in these months.

Wait. Whaaaa? Doesn’t feel like it?

Fact of the matter is, it makes no difference what the employment market looks like, what month it is, or what holiday the world is or isn’t celebrating if you don’t know HOW to job search!

Enter my—proven—job search challenge®.

I’m in the mood to make some promises so let’s do just that.


…you do what I challenge you to do and simply follow the steps (heck, just go through the motions but you get bonus points for positive energy), you will get traction.

Bold words. I know.

How do I know?

Because it’s been proven over and over and over again by people just like you.

Yes. The ones that are, uh, in my age group.

Yes. The ones that live in rural places without all those booming companies.

Yes. The ones without all the “required” skills on those ridiculous job descriptions.

Yes. Those returning to the workforce after being away because [plop in any reason here].

Yes. Those people who [insert whatever you can think of here] too!

What’s more, if you take the challenge, you will even surprise yourself at how easy it becomes to email total strangers. (Don’t get me started on how I think strangers are just friends I haven’t met yet.)

You’ll become more consistent, confident, care-free, and a whole bunch of other cool “C” words.

Gimme 36 minutes for today’s podcast on a Job Search Challenge® That Gets Interviews!

Here’s another promise.

It’ll be worth it.

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Oct 14, 2022

I have a saying. It’s one of my Today’s Lines to Live By®, which you can catch daily on my Instagram.

“Short-timers focus on wins. Long-timers focus on plans.”

That’s true.

Short-timers focus on wins, which usually causes them to lose. And quit. That’s how they become short-timers. Get it?

Long-timers focus on the plan and the planning process. And, they obsess over abilities they need to grow to add cool checkmarks next to the stuff on their plans.

This, in turn, causes them to grow faster, live happier existences, and, oddly, win more. Or, at least win bigger.

Build strategy. Add plans. Work the plans. Stay the course.

There is one ingredient in working a top-1-%-er plan I consider the secret to the sauce.

Catch it in the week’s podcast on The Top 1% at Their Job Focus on This.

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Oct 11, 2022

I wish I could negotiate your salary for you. I truly do.

Actually, I wish I could be with you every step of the entire recruitment process because, technically, you’re negotiating from the moment you send in your resume and cover letter.

Since it isn’t very likely your future employer will let your fun, affable career coach accompany you through the process, I thought it’d be a good idea to record this week’s podcast for you so you can negotiate the heck outta your next job offer!

Inside, I hit over a dozen tips, tricks, tactics, and secrets related to the Dos and Don’ts of building your salary negotiation power.

I cover BEFORE the process starts, continue to when you actually start, during the job interviews, at the true negotiation, and, of course, round it out with your inevitable counteroffer on your way to the bank.

Enjoy today’s podcast on Salary Negotiation Tactics That Get You Paid More and think of me with every automatic deposit!

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Oct 7, 2022

There are so many reasons we don’t have what we want.

Usually, not always, they’re surmountable.

Some of the time, it’s in our head.

Much of the time, we simply don’t want to make the, uh, time.

But, I’ll step out on a limb here. In virtually all of the cases, you have the ability.

In fact, I’ve never met anyone whose effort couldn’t beat their talent level.

Change is never function of ability. It’s a function of desire.

If you have the aspiration, you can fulfill it with enough hard work—and time.

Over the years, I’ve covered how to overcome many of the mental and tactical roadblocks.

I thought it was about time to mesh together a medley of some of my motivational favs.

Inside this week’s podcast are 11 separate lessons to inspire you to chase—and accomplish—your dreams. (Breakdown of times is in the PS.)

Join me for today’s podcast Motivation Medley to Get What You Want to get charged and in motion!

For today’s podcast, here’s a list to help you revisit you favorite messages whenever you need them.

00:00 Don’t be afraid to start small.
03:16 Wisdom is expensive, perspective is cheap.
05:25 Change is never a function of ability.
06:28 Realize you’re always a work in progress.
11:45 Why you undervalue yourself and how to stop.
15:33 How to get over procrastination (AKA Real life isn't Microsoft Office).
17:40 Smart goals are dumb.
20:27 Short-timers focus on wins, long-timers study their plans.
24:08 What it takes to get what you want.
31:54 Adopting the mindset to be a zebra in life.
35:27 Everything you do matters because we are all connected.

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Oct 4, 2022

Do you wonder what employers want to know about you? That answer is actually quite simple.

But, making sure you know what that is and delivering the message so they receive it with zero distortion?

Well, that’s the stuff legends are made of.

Or, members of Andy’s community! At least after today.

It’s not just here’s who I am, here’s what I do, here’s how I can help you. Yawn.

Getting hired is about so much more than having a shiny resume with all the right keywords.

It’s about so much more than telling great interview stories.

There are stars that must align.

There is a level of congruence that begins with what you’ve accomplished historically, what you want presently, how you package it up in your marketing messages so it hits what the employer needs, and how you drive home your worth during the job interviews.

Job seekers screw this up because there’s often something broken along this chain.

In today’s podcast on How to Show Your Value to Employers so You Get Hired, I teach how to get rid of any weak links and hit the bulls-eye on exactly what employers want to know!

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

4. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!
