
Tips for Work and Life with Andrew LaCivita

Career coach and best-selling author Andrew LaCivita shares insights on leading a rewarding career and fulfilled life.
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Jun 13, 2023

“Show me the money,” said every job candidate ever!

More is always better. We don’t need to be greedy and money isn’t everything, but it’s something.

All I care about is you get paid what you deserve or at least what makes you happy.

Today, I’ve got two wonderful Jedi-mind tricks where the employers won’t know what else to do but give you more money.

Please enjoy the 2-tip medley and think of me with every automatic deposit.

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Jun 6, 2023

Can you just tell me what you want so I can eliminate you from this wonderful position because I can’t satisfy your needs?

Good. Grief.

Why do employer’s ask stupid questions.

Maybe, if I was going easy on them, I’d ask, “Why do employers not ask questions the right way?”

I mean, the way that’d yield the actual info they need to make a good decision about hiring you.

Have you ever been asked in an interview, “What are you looking for in your next role?”

Did that question make you sweat and break out in the heebie-jeebies?

It should have. Because it’s a Yes/No question the employer is answering for themselves based on the several words that are about to come out of your mouth.

The interviewer just wants some assurance you’re interested in the role.

No good can come of you answering this question in any detail or with any specifics.

At best, you’re letting the interviewer know you are essentially interested in the job you’re interviewing for.

At worst, you’re saying something that eliminates you because it doesn’t fit.

Wondering what to do? Say? As in exactly say?

Let’s get to it!

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!



May 30, 2023

Ever want to dig into how a company actually operates?

As in, how they truly behave?

That’d be a good thing to do if you’re job interviewing, I’d think.

You don’t want to be joining a company you won’t like!

First question: Do you even know what kind of culture works for you?

Let’s say you do.

Can you get over your freshly-inflicted bruises that tend to shine overly-bright lights on recent issues at the expense of investigating all the other cultural traits you want?

You know what I mean…

I want to make sure they don’t work me too hard. My last company did that.

You become myopic on this issue to find that, yes, in fact, this new employer of yours doesn’t require you to work too hard.

Except, after you start working there, you discover they are very political, confused, generally don’t have a good strategy, or high employee satisfaction.

Second and third questions conflated: Do you know WHAT questions to ask and HOW to ask them so you are actually getting evidence of their behavior?

Fourth question: And how to do this without incriminating yourself? 

As in, if I ask about work like balance, they’ll think I don’t work hard. Etc. Etc. and Ha and ha.

Okay. I can practically hear you wiping the sweat off your eye brows.

Let’s get to it and get you some questions and answers…

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


May 16, 2023

Job searching stinks. There’s just no two ways about it. It makes no difference how awesome you are at your job. Job searching is rough. It’s unnatural.

Today’s podcast is on some job search tips and also the Andy-formula for everyday stress-self-management!

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


May 9, 2023

Evaluating potential employees has confused companies for all time. Most of this confusion stems from looking at the wrong things and in the wrong order. Take a listen to this week’s podcast to get the data-backed view of how to hire right!

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


May 2, 2023

Got asked a great question a few weeks back at Live Office Hours.

The person asked if he should stay at his company or transition every 3-4 years.

He has aspirations of being a CEO at some point in the future and was wondering whether the variety or longevity would better position him.

Have you ever wondered this?

You might be thinking, well, Andy, I just need a job. This is moot at the moment.

Or, hey, Andy, you’re a mind-reader!

Well, what do I often say?

“Your trajectory matters much more than where you are at any moment in time […] any moment in time is just that. It’s over in an instant.”

You will eventually be faced with a scenario like this.

And, even if it’s just a matter of changing jobs, you’ll benefit from the philosophy, whys, wherefores, whats, and how-to-thinks in today’s video clip.

Take in at your leisure so you can stay on that not-so-leisurely, skyrocket-like trajectory!

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Apr 24, 2023

When interviewing with a senior executive, you need to be ready for different types of encounters.

Whether the interviewer asks you, “What questions do you have for me?” or “Why should be hire you?” or “How will you make us a better company?” or “Tell me how you did that project?” the good ol’ storytelling tactics you typically use to explain your projects, what you do, and how you do it won’t be enough.

You need to take a different approach, which, good news, I’m serving up today…

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Apr 17, 2023

What’s up with “TESTS” in job interviews? As if job interviews aren’t rough enough, why, for the love of all that is holy, would employers push us job seekers over the edge with tests?

These “tests” come in all shapes and sizes.

Most of them are ridiculous, but, since I don’t universally run hiring for the world, we’ll need to deal with them.

(Feel free to start a petition if you want to see if you and I can completely reform hiring for all mankind.)

I know you want to know what you should do before you take one of these little buggers.

Spoiler alert: Nothing.

Don’t do anything.

As in anything.

As in no thinking. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

Zero brain power dedicated to this.

That’s if the employer wants you to take a personality or aptitude or “fit” test or something of that nature.

If it’s a case study, by all means, knock your socks off.

That’s because those are cool and good predictors for future success.

I pulled today’s clip from one of the 1,478 times I was asked about “tests” during various Live Office Hours sessions.

You get my cheery thoughts on them and a little story about one of my recruitment clients who used them and the expensive dinner she bought me after she lost our bet…

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Apr 10, 2023

Skills. You have ‘em. I know you do.

Can you demonstrate them? Do you know which ones to shine the light on?

It’s important. Always. Just more important now.

Inflation is hovering around 6%.

Unemployment is roughly 3.6%.

Our US Fed is trying to manage inflation by raising interest rates.

We’re trying the disinflation thing which means a slowdown in the rate of inflation even though inflation is still positive.

The last 10 times this happened, for every 2% reduction in inflation, unemployment went up 3.6%. (That’s historical fact.)

It’s linear-ish, so each 2% drop in inflation means 3.6% increase in unemployment.

So, let’s carry a few numbers.

That means if we want to get back down to ~ 2% inflation, we might be adding 7.2% to the unemployment rate = 10.8%.


I bet when you opened this email you didn’t think you’d be getting an econ lesson!

Don’t worry.

You have me. You read my messages. You prolly watch my videos and join my live shows.

You’re covered.

I’ll continue to keep you updated on the skills, tips, tricks, and techniques to keep you razor sharp, employed, and getting paid well!

Check out this week’s all-out lesson on which skills employers love and why…

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Apr 3, 2023

Does your resume say, “Hi, my name’s [whatever your name is]. I’m a [whatever you are]?”

Or, does your resume say, “Hi Ms. Recruiter. This is how your company is about to change—for the better? You’ve been waiting for me. I’m here now.”

You might be wondering, Coach, how am I supposed to say the latter if I don’t know what the company wants?

To which I’d say, “You do know. You’re just prolly not spending any time thinking about it. And, likely not spending any time writing that in your resume.”

It’s easy breezy when you know what to think, how to think, what to ask yourself, and where the answers to the questions you just asked yourself go on the resume.

You guessed it because I’m a pleaser not a teaser.

It's all in today's podcast on how to add more power to your resume!

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Mar 30, 2023

I’m not sure when it happened, but somewhere between the time I was born and today the world started operating at Mach speed.

On the one hand, I’m not quite sure how I survived as a child without a cell phone, walked to the park, played with my friends, and managed to make it home alive all by myself.

Now, it’s hard to be alone anywhere, without accessibility, with hundreds of thoughts racing through your head of all the things you need to do for all the people for whom you need to do them.

Oh, I haven’t even gotten to the work stuff yet. Oy!

I don’t think I need to keep going for you to get my drift.

Are you feeling as overwhelmed as I do? Amiright?

We have entirely too many demands on our lives.

What’s worse, is most of them—at least the corporate-related ones—are ineffective if not flat out unimportant and unnecessary.

How can we manage it all? Focus on getting the right things done quicky? And, work toward the goals that really matter to us?

Well, I got a little somethin’ to help you with that!

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Mar 24, 2023

I got a great question last week from Adam, one of my mainstays at the Live Office Hours Thursday shows.

He asked about handling multiple projects.

As someone who has several products (stuff I sell and service), mediums I use to share myself with you (YouTube, blog, books, social media, etc.), and other vehicles I use to reach my goal of becoming the #1 career resource for you, I'm offering my tips on how I’m able to work on all these efforts every day!

Check out the little behind-the-scenes mechanics of what makes my little company run smoothly in today’s podcast on how to successfully work on multiple projects at the same time!

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on InstagramLinkedInTwitterTikTok, and Facebook.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Mar 20, 2023

If you’re job searching, you are likely working harder than you should…at the wrong things.

You might think you’re working hard on your search.

You might think you’re slacking.

Regardless of which camp you’re in, 99% odds tell me the problem that’s slowing your job search is the same.

No matter who you are or what you do or where you do it, if you just do this ONE thing, your job search results will improve. Pinky swear.

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Mar 13, 2023

I know. Most people think cover letters are stupid. That’s because they don’t look for the beauty in them and what they can do for you. Seek and you shall find.

You won’t need to look far because I wrapped the three best cover letters to have and give you the templates and explanations and how-tos in today’s podcast.

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Feb 27, 2023

Some questions are better than others to ask employers in a job interview. The ones that get right to the heart of what the employer needs and how you’re going to satisfy those needs is what will set you apart from other job seekers.

Join me for today’s lesson as I teach you what those questions are, how to use them, and what to say during your interviews so you get hired!

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Feb 20, 2023

Did you know there are 8 pieces of information recruiters want to know as soon as they look at your resume?

They look right there at the top and want those questions answered as quickly as possible.

They’re a pesky bunch, so they get annoyed easily when they can’t find what they’re looking for.

It even seems like they hold it against the innocent job seeker too.

What'dya say we help you avoid that this week by helping you understand what that information is, where is goes, and how exactly to format it?

Join me for today’s lesson on the 8 items to put at the top of your resume to get more job interviews and let’s get you, well, more job interviews!

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!




Feb 13, 2023

Ever have a job you didn’t like? Or were totally bored with?

Maybe you liked your job in general, but had some tasks that were mundane or uninteresting.

We’ve all encountered this no matter who we are.

The big difference between the people who manage and the people who don’t has more to do with the way they approached the task.

I often say, “Your success has more to do with where you place your attention than your ability.”

When you’re faced with mundaneness, you can max out the experience or you can mail it in.

Join me today to get my take on the skill, yes, the skill, I’ve built to handle these situations. In fact, I use this skill to handle ALL my situations…

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.

2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.

3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.

4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.

5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Feb 7, 2023

Here’s your offer. Let’s be generous. “100K,” says the employer.

You’re thinking whaaaa? Did I bomb the interviews, but they somehow are showing mercy by giving me an offer?

Now what?

We’ll, if it’s a lowball offer, you can totally crush it with my ultimate question. (Not to get sidetracked, but here’s that video from a year ago. Maybe you can watch that later.)

If it’s more in the ballpark-ish, but you’re a little bit bruised by the fact it ain’t raining dollar bills, you can make a counteroffer.

Please don’t make a counteroffer by citing market pay of which there is no such thing and the employer doesn’t care about. This is the equivalent of saying, “I just want more money because I do.”

Please don’t make a counteroffer because you’re moving to a big city where everything is four times the price. The cost-of-living index means nothing more than a food label.

Please, pretty please, don’t make a counteroffer by citing you deserve more because you have skills. So does everyone else. Their resumes totally say so. And no one ever lies about that stuff.

Make a counteroffer with a lucid, rational, well-thought-out argument that gets the employer’s eyes off your cost and staring at your value.

Learn how today!

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

  1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.
  2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.
  3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.
  4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.
  5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Jan 31, 2023

How’s the job search going?

“I love job searching,” said no one ever!

How about Coach gets you some tips and tricks and techniques and metrics to make it all better?

Today’s podcast is about why we get unhappy in our job search, how to fix that, and, while we’re at it, get our mojo back.

Most of all, it’s about how to approach your search so you know what to do, what to avoid, and what to track to know you’re on the right, uh, track!

And, as a bonus, because everyone loves bonuses, I offer up two of my favorite formulas to run your search!

Let’s do it…

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

  1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.
  2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.
  3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.
  4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.
  5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Jan 24, 2023

Ever wonder how to change careers?

Meet Tracey.

She was at her new job in her new career for a short while when she and I connected on this. She couldn’t wait to tell me about it.

Before I turn you loose on the valuable, DOZENS of lessons she shares, let me set the table for you on her challenges…

She’s in the early stages of her professional life and lives in New York in the US.

She had umpteen challenges while trying to change not only jobs, but careers.

Here are just a few of her issues, for editorial purposes, I think will hit home:

Big career change: She was a performance artist and fitness trainer and wanted to support an ESG organization in an analytical capacity.

No experience in the new career: She had virtually no hands-on experience related to these types of organizations or working in the kinds of roles she was interested in pursuing.

"Wrong" education: While educated, her studies didn't align to the change she wanted to make, so she needed to quickly supplement her resume with certifications and courses.

Narrative issues: During her networking, many people told her, "I don't get your background. I'm not sure how you'll fit." So, she needed to get her storytelling in order and “feed the funnel!”

So? What did she do about it?

Listen to today’s podcast as she shares exactly how she planned for and approached it, what she did, and what transpired.

All I can say is, “Tracey, your table is ready.”

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

  1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.
  2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.
  3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.
  4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.
  5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Jan 17, 2023

It’s January, which translates to high recruitment season. That means employers are interviewing candidates like crazy.

Even so, it’s not exactly like shooting fish in a barrel if your résumé isn’t up to snuff.

No matter what month or year it is, you need to put a killer résumé together to not only show potential employers the value you can contribute, but also set the best table for yourself when you get into the interview.

What do I always say?

“Whenever you set out to do something, plan to win.”

Winning in this case means you’re going to get the interview AND job offer.

The problem is most job candidates don’t think this many moves down the pipe.

They hope for an interview.

They hope they’ll do well when they get into the interview.

They don’t concentrate on planting all the seeds throughout the entire interviewing process to ensure they have the most leverage when they actually receive the job offer.

Well, today, you’re in luck because I’ve got a spectrum of goodies that cover how to make your résumé standout by putting in it exactly what employers want to know.

Because I’m so confident they want to know this, I’m certain they’ll ask you about it in the interview.

That’s why I’m not only going to show you what goes into the résumé as it relates to your bullet points, but also how to turn those bullets into interview stories.

I even have a case study in there for you!

Join me for today’s podcast how to make your résumé stand out and interview stories shine in 2023!

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

  1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.
  2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.
  3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.
  4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.
  5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


Jan 10, 2023

If you want to be more productive in your job search, today's podcast is for you!

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

  1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.
  2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.
  3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.
  4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.
  5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!



Jan 6, 2023

Wouldn’t it be great to get more done!? Join me for today’s podcast on 5 fantastic techniques that will make your life wildly more fun, enjoyable, and productive!

If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:

  1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.
  2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.
  3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.
  4. Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.
  5. Stay in touch with me in your email inbox by joining my newsletter here!


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